In a shocking turn of events, schools across the country have decided to remove Shakespeare's plays from their curriculum due to their dramatic content. Is the Bard too much for our delicate ears?

All the Bard: Shakespeare's Plays Pulled From Schools for Being a Bit Too Dramatic

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyNovember 5, 2023Ersatz News

All the Bard: Shakespeare's Plays Pulled From Schools for Being a Bit Too Dramatic

A Tragedy for Our Education System

Out, Out, Brief Candle: The Censorship Controversy

The move to eliminate Shakespeare from schools' reading lists has left many wondering if we are witnessing an act of cultural censorship. The playwright's works are considered some of the greatest literary achievements in history, exploring themes of love, betrayal, power, and ambition. Yet, some argue that these very themes are precisely what make his plays so relevant and thought-provoking.

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The Communist Connection: Was Shakespeare a Closet Marxist?

While Shakespeare's plays may seem to be centered around love and royalty, some scholars have argued that his works reflect a deeper political ideology. These theorists suggest that Shakespeare's plays depict class struggles, social inequality, and the abuse of power, aligning with communist theories.

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Romeo and Juliet: A Love Story or a Marxist Revolution?

Take, for example, "Romeo and Juliet." On the surface, it appears to be a tragic love story of two young lovers from feuding families. However, upon closer examination, one can find Marxist undertones. The ongoing feud between the Capulets and Montagues can be seen as a symbol of class struggle, while Romeo and Juliet's love represents the possibility of overcoming social barriers.

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Twelfth Night: A Study on Gender and Social Norms

Even comedies like "Twelfth Night" can be seen through a Marxist lens. The play raises questions about gender roles, social expectations, and the fluidity of identity. The character of Viola, who disguises herself as a man to navigate the patriarchal society of Illyria, challenges societal norms and highlights the arbitrary nature of gender distinctions.

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A Final Act of Betrayal

By removing Shakespeare's plays from schools, we are not only denying students access to timeless literary masterpieces but also depriving them of the opportunity to engage in critical discussions about society, power, and human nature. Let us not forget that the purpose of education is not to shield students from challenging material but to prepare them for the complexities of the world.

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In the end, removing Shakespeare's plays from the curriculum does not protect our delicate ears; it inhibits intellectual growth, stifles creativity, and undermines our cultural heritage. Let us embrace the Bard's legacy and allow his words to continue resonating within the halls of our educational institutions.

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