President Biden is looking for a social media guru to give his online presence an 80s-inspired boost.

Bidin' for a Boost: President Biden Searches for a Social Media Savant

Jennifer Pagliaccio
Jennifer PagliaccioSeptember 2, 2024Ersatz News

Bidin' for a Boost: President Biden Searches for a Social Media Savant


In the quest to stay hip with today's ever-changing digital landscape, President Biden is embarking on a mission to find a social media savant who can give his online presence a radical 80s-inspired boost. With hashtags, likes, and retweets becoming essential tools for modern political campaigns, the President is looking to revamp his digital communication strategy. So get ready to power up your keyboards, because in this search for a social media maven, nostalgia and pop culture references are the name of the game.

The Need for a Social Media Savant

An 80s-Inspired Approach

If you've been living under a rock or stuck in a time warp since the 80s, let me catch you up on the wonders of that glorious decade. The 80s were an era of neon lights, big hair, and boomboxes blaring tunes from cassette tapes. It was a time when movies like "Back to the Future" and "E.T." ruled the big screen, and MTV showcased the latest hits in the music industry.

The Search Begins

To find the perfect social media savant, President Biden has enlisted the help of an elite team of tech-savvy advisors. This team is responsible for vetting potential candidates who possess both a deep understanding of social media platforms and an encyclopedic knowledge of 80s pop culture.

A Blast from the Past

With the 80s making a comeback in popular culture, it's no surprise that President Biden wants to tap into this wave. From fashion trends like neon leggings and oversized blazers to hit TV shows like "Stranger Things" that pay homage to the decade, the 80s are once again stealing the spotlight.


In the fast-paced world of social media, staying relevant is crucial, even for the President of the United States. President Biden's search for a social media savant is not just about gaining followers or going viral; it's about connecting with a generation that thrives on nostalgia and pop culture references.

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