Get ready to take down those blood-sucking pests with these 5 tips on World Mosquito Day! Don't let them rain on your parade!

Buzz on Over: 5 Sting-credible Ways to Swat Away Mosquito-Borne Diseases on World Mosquito Day!

Jennifer Pagliaccio
Jennifer PagliaccioAugust 21, 2023Ersatz News

Buzz on Over: 5 Sting-credible Ways to Swat Away Mosquito-Borne Diseases on World Mosquito Day!

1. Don't Be Their Fashion Victim: Dress to Repel

Attention, fashionistas! It's time to put those couture skills to good use. While you might be tempted to don your favorite pastel-colored ensemble reminiscent of an 80s prom night, think again. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, so it's time to embrace your inner goth and stick to black. Not only will you look effortlessly cool, but you'll also repel those blood-thirsty bugs.

2. Fight Them Off, Karate Kid Style: Use Your Mosquito-Block Chop

3. Get Your Dance Moves Ready: Mosquito-Proof Your Surroundings

You've seen them on the dance floor, grooving like there's no tomorrow. Well, it's time to put those moves to good use. Mosquitoes love stagnant water, so be sure to eliminate any breeding grounds around your surroundings. Dance around those empty flowerpots, empty buckets, and clogged gutters, making sure no water is left standing. Say goodbye to the mosquito disco!

4. Keep Them Away from Your Blood Bank: Install Window and Door Screens

5. Call for Backup: Summon the Mosquito Avengers

Sometimes, even the mightiest warriors need some backup. In the war against mosquitoes, that backup comes in the form of mosquito control professionals. These unsung heroes are equipped with the knowledge and tools to combat those blood-sucking villains. So don't hesitate to reach out and let the mosquito avengers save the day! Just be sure to congratulate them with a fist bump and a heartfelt 80s reference.

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