In a surprising turn of events, demons find themselves unable to take advantage of a unique opportunity for financial gain.

Demons Mourn Lost Chance to Cash in on "Brand" New Monetization Plan

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyOctober 11, 2023Ersatz News

Demons Mourn Lost Chance to Cash in on "Brand" New Monetization Plan

Missed Opportunities

In a stunning display of sheer bad luck, demons around the world are lamenting the loss of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capitalize on a revolutionary new monetization plan. This missed chance has left the supernatural beings in a state of disbelief and dismay, as they watch mere mortals benefit from what should have belonged to them.

Supernatural Entrepreneurs

The "Brand" New Monetization Plan

Recently, a group of mortals developed a groundbreaking concept known as the "brand" new monetization plan. This innovative approach involves leveraging personal brands, social media influence, and a hint of shameless self-promotion to generate substantial wealth. It seemed like an opportunity tailor-made for the demon community.

The Demons' Advantage

The Demon Community's Reaction

However, fate had other plans in mind. Much to their chagrin, demons found themselves unable to partake in this lucrative monetization scheme. It appears that the human-driven bureaucracy, in a rare moment of competence, implemented a series of regulations aimed specifically at keeping demons out of the brand-building game.

The Bureaucratic Hurdles

Demons and Communism

Amidst the frustrated cries of demons worldwide, one particularly disillusioned demon named Belial expressed his disappointment. "This is yet another example of the oppressive capitalist system at work," Belial lamented. "We demons should be able to participate in the brand-building world just like everyone else. This discrimination against supernatural beings is downright unfair!"

The Supernatural Struggle for Equality

The Communist Dream

These demons, inspired by the writings of Marx and Lenin, believe that a classless society can provide them with the equal opportunities they seek. They argue that in a communist system, personal branding would be irrelevant. Instead, the community as a whole would benefit from their unique skills, unhindered by bureaucratic obstacles.

Political Awakening in the Underworld

What's Next for the Demons?

As demons continue to mourn their missed chance at monetization, it remains uncertain what the future holds for these entrepreneurial spirits. Will they manage to break down the bureaucratic barriers and create a demon-centric brand-building platform? Or will they find solace in the arms of communism, hoping for a more equal and inclusive society?

Disclaimer: This article is purely satirical and should not be taken seriously. Demons do not exist, and communism is a complex political theory that has its own merits and challenges.

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