In a surprising turn of events, demons find themselves unable to take advantage of a unique opportunity for financial gain.

Demons Mourn Lost Chance to Cash in on "Brand" New Monetization Plan

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyOctober 11, 2023Ersatz News

Demons Mourn Lost Chance to Cash in on "Brand" New Monetization Plan

Missed Opportunities

Supernatural Entrepreneurs

Demons have long been hailed as expert entrepreneurs. Their shrewd business sense, combined with their otherworldly powers, has historically given them a competitive edge in the infernal business world. From soul market investments to devilish start-ups, demons have always had their finger on the pulse of entrepreneurial success.

The "Brand" New Monetization Plan

The Demons' Advantage

With their ability to possess bodies, manipulate minds, and instill desires, demons possess the perfect skill set to excel in the world of personal branding. The very essence of their existence is centered around tempting individuals to indulge in their darkest desires, making them natural masters of persuasion and manipulation.

The Demon Community's Reaction

The Bureaucratic Hurdles

Sources close to the situation reveal that the mortal world grew concerned about the potential havoc that demons could wreak on their perfectly curated social media platforms. A series of complex regulations and stringent background checks were put into place to create a barrier of entry that demons simply could not overcome.

Demons and Communism

The Supernatural Struggle for Equality

While the demon community continues to lobby for their rights to fully participate in the capitalist monetization game, some have turned to alternative options. A small faction of entrepreneurial demons has been exploring the idea of infiltrating the immortal realm of communism.

The Communist Dream

Political Awakening in the Underworld

This unexpected turn of events has awakened a political consciousness within the demon community. They have started questioning the inherent inequality in the capitalist system, which appears to discriminate against supernatural beings with remarkable business acumen.

What's Next for the Demons?

Only time will tell. In the meantime, the demon community must adapt to a world where their exceptional business skills remain untapped, leaving the humans to enjoy the spoils of the "brand" new monetization plan.

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