The EU confronts Russia and Ukraine over a controversial pipeline project.

EU to Russia and Ukraine: "You can't just pipe down!

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyJuly 4, 2024Ersatz News

EU to Russia and Ukraine: "You can't just pipe down!"


In a rather ironic turn of events, the European Union (EU) has taken it upon themselves to lecture Russia and Ukraine about the importance of silence, specifically in relation to a highly controversial pipeline project. As tensions continue to rise, it seems that the EU is channeling their inner authoritarian, reminding both parties that sometimes it's best to just "pipe down" and keep quiet.

The Pipeline Project

Russia's Perspective: The Sound of Silence

From Russia's perspective, the EU's request for silence is quite amusing. After all, this is a country that has built an entire political system on controlling the narrative and suppressing dissent. In the land of Putin, silence is not just a suggestion; it's an obligation.

Ukraine's Perspective: A Song of Discord

On the other side of the pipeline, Ukraine finds itself in a rather precarious position. The country has been vocal about its concerns regarding Nord Stream 2, emphasizing the economic and geopolitical risks it poses. However, the EU's admonishment to "pipe down" is a bitter pill to swallow for a nation that has fought hard for its independence and sovereignty.

The EU's Role: The Great Conductor

As tensions escalate between Russia and Ukraine, the EU finds itself in the unenviable position of trying to manage the discord. It must balance its own energy interests, the concerns of Eastern European countries, and its broader geopolitical ambitions. The EU's call for silence can be seen as an attempt to maintain control and prevent the situation from spiraling out of control.

Communism and Silence: A Match Made in Hell

In communist regimes, silence is a weapon of control and oppression. Dissent is not tolerated, and any attempts to challenge the prevailing ideology are met with severe consequences. Whether it's the Soviet Union, China, or North Korea, the suppression of free speech has been a hallmark of communist rule.


As tensions continue to simmer between Russia and Ukraine over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the EU's call for silence becomes increasingly perplexing. In their attempt to manage the situation, they risk appearing authoritarian and hypocritical. Silence may be golden, but in the context of political discourse, it can also be a dangerous weapon.

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