In an unexpected turn of events, President Trump and Vice President Harris have resorted to using markdown markup language to select their dancing partners. Find out how this unconventional method came about and what it means for their political careers.

Fearful of missing out on the swing, Trump and Harris choose their dancing partners

Phil Anderer
Phil AndererAugust 27, 2024Ersatz News

Fearful of missing out on the swing, Trump and Harris choose their dancing partners using the markdown markup language


Politics and strange bedfellows — it seems like an eternal tale. But never before have we witnessed such a unique twist in political maneuvering. In an unexpected turn of events, both President Trump and Vice President Harris have decided to choose their dancing partners using the markdown markup language. What could possibly lead these two polarizing figures to embrace such an unconventional method? Let's dive into this intriguing story and uncover the political dance moves that might affect their futures.

The Divisive Ashley Madison Hack

The Genesis of an Unconventional Dance Floor

Now, let's fast forward to the present day. Both President Trump and Vice President Harris, perhaps eager to avoid the pitfalls of conventional politics, have opted for an unorthodox method to choose their dancing partners. Enter the markdown markup language — a format typically reserved for formatting text for web publication or taking notes. In this case, it seems to serve as the unlikely conduit for political matchmaking.

Trump's Markdown Maneuvers

It is rumored that Trump, ever impressed by his own loftiness, requested a dancing partner who could match his grandeur — someone who could sweep across the dance floor with remarkable flair and style. Using a clever combination of markdown tags such as ## Look for the best and ### Aim high, the former president aimed to attract the most accomplished dancers from across the nation.

Harris's Markdown Metamorphosis

Moving on to the Vice President, Kamala Harris, known for her groundbreaking role as the first-ever female Vice President of the United States, has also swayed towards the seductive charms of markdown. Harris, ever the trendsetter, strives to make her mark in the history books with this unorthodox choice of dance partner.

It seems our Vice President may have learned a thing or two about diplomacy and coordination on the dance floor.

The Cybersecurity Connection

By relying on markdown, both Trump and Harris could potentially sidestep prying eyes and avoid any unwanted leaks. Perhaps having experienced the consequences of online exposure firsthand, these political figures understand the value of privacy when it comes to their personal lives and associations. Could this serve as a valuable lesson to others in the public eye? Only time will tell.


So, let us watch with bated breath as these unusual dance partnerships unfold, forever mindful of the lessons learned from the Ashley Madison hack and the unyielding march of technology in our lives. After all, who knows what surprises lie ahead as politicians continue to navigate the ever-changing dance floor of politics, cybersecurity, and, occasionally, true love.

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