BRICS nations decide to ditch the dollar and embrace the ruble in a bold move sure to rock the international financial scene.

From Russia with Rubles: BRICS Taps Out on the Dollar

Jennifer Pagliaccio
Jennifer PagliaccioDecember 20, 2023Ersatz News

From Russia with Rubles: BRICS Taps Out on the Dollar

The Cold War Never Ended, It Just Evolved

Picture this: Rocky Balboa standing tall in the boxing ring, ready to take on the formidable Ivan Drago. The crowd roars with anticipation as the theme song blares in the background – "Flying high now, gonna fly now!"

BRICS: The New Avengers of Currency

In a plot twist that would make even the most cunning Bond villain proud, the BRICS nations have decided to ditch the dollar and embrace the ruble. Yes, you heard that right – the Russian ruble is taking center stage in the global financial scene.

Dollar Dominance Under Siege

For decades, the dollar has reigned supreme. It's been the go-to currency for international trade, with countries stockpiling greenbacks like they're going out of style (even though they've been out of style since the neon-filled 80s). But now, the BRICS nations are saying, "Enough is enough!"

Economic Shift or Cinematic Delusion?

As we witness this financial drama unfold, it's hard not to draw parallels to the beloved 80s movie, Rocky IV. Just like Rocky took on the seemingly invincible Drago with sheer determination, the BRICS nations are taking on the dollar with a newfound sense of unity.

Reaganomics vs. Rublenomics

In the spirit of the 80s, let's not forget the economic ideologies that shaped the era. On one side, you had Reaganomics, championed by the man himself, Ronald Reagan. On the other side, you have Rublenomics, the brainchild of the BRICS nations.

The Aftermath: Who Will Win?

As the dust settles and the world waits with bated breath, one question remains: who will come out on top?

Only time will tell, my fellow 80s enthusiasts. So let's grab our Rubik's Cubes, put on our leg warmers, and wait for the next thrilling installment of this Cold War financial saga.

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