Iran responds to Trump's assassination accusations by calling him a bad actor and denying any involvement.

Iran Throws Trump Assassination Accusations Back, Claims He's Just a Real Bad Actor

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyJuly 17, 2024Ersatz News

Iran Throws Trump Assassination Accusations Back, Claims He's Just a Real Bad Actor

By Ivan Falshiviy

A Hollywood Farce Unravels

The latest chapter in the political drama between Iran and the US began when Trump claimed that he had received intelligence suggesting that Iran was planning to assassinate him. Trump, never one to shy away from theatrics, took to Twitter to voice his concerns, stating, "Just heard that Iran is planning to take me out. Big mistake, they're dealing with the greatest actor the world has ever seen!"

The Irony of Accusations

The irony of the situation was not lost on international observers, who marveled at the absurdity of two political figures accusing each other of assassination plots. Commentators were quick to point out that this was yet another example of the farcical nature of international politics, where accusations and denials are often met with laughter rather than serious consideration.

A Commie Twist

A New Script?

It is unclear whether this comedy of errors will lead to any meaningful change in US-Iran relations. However, one thing is for certain: Trump's accusations have added another layer of absurdity to an already surreal political landscape. Perhaps we should consider casting Trump in a slapstick comedy instead of taking his claims seriously.


And as for Trump, well, I'm no film critic, but I think it's safe to say that his career as an "actor" is best left in the realm of political farce.

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