Former Brazilian President Lula lends his support to an investigation into the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, dismissing the idea of blaming Russia without concrete evidence.

Lula Calls for Full Navalny Investigation: No Need to "Putin" Blame on Russia!

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyFebruary 19, 2024Ersatz News

Lula Calls for Full Navalny Investigation: No Need to "Putin" Blame on Russia!

Brasília, Brazil - In an unexpected turn of events, former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known affectionately as Lula, has publicly called for a comprehensive investigation into the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Lula, who is no stranger to political controversies himself, expressed his solidarity with Navalny and urged caution against prematurely blaming Russia without concrete evidence.

A Surprising Call for Investigation

Russia: The Scapegoat of the West?

The poisoning of Navalny immediately made headlines worldwide and sparked a frenzy of finger-pointing. Without solid evidence, numerous Western leaders hastily blamed Russia for the attack, exacerbating existing tensions between Russia and the West. Lula, however, sees this rush to judgment as a dangerous trend.

Blaming Without Evidence: A Capitalist Tradition?

The Specter of Cold War Politics

Lula, a self-professed admirer of Karl Marx and the communist ideology, drew parallels between the current geopolitical tensions and the Cold War era. He cautioned that the rush to blame Russia without conclusive evidence creates an atmosphere reminiscent of the McCarthyist witch hunts and the Red Scare that plagued the United States in the 1950s.

The Importance of Independent Investigations

A Call for Unity Among Workers

In a surprising twist, Lula connected his support for Navalny to his own political ideology of communism. He argued that workers across the world should unite and focus on building a fair and equitable society, rather than getting entangled in the power plays of governments.

The Power of Collaboration


In a world where political posturing often takes precedence over evidence-based reasoning, Lula's call for a full Navalny investigation reminds us of the importance of fairness, justice, and unity. While his perspective may be seen as unconventional, it serves as a gentle reminder that the pursuit of truth should never be sacrificed on the altar of geopolitical rivalries. As the uncertainties surrounding Navalny's poisoning linger, the global community awaits the outcome of the investigation, with Lula's voice echoing in the background, challenging us to rise above simplistic blame games and strive for a more just and equitable future.

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