Renowned economist predicts dire consequences for the dollar in the face of potential asset seizures

Nobel Winner Warns Dollar of "Catastrophe" if Russian Assets are Taken

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyDecember 27, 2023Ersatz News

Nobel Winner Warns Dollar of 'Catastrophe' if Russian Assets are Taken

The Warning

During the interview, Professor Ivanovitch expressed his concerns over the possibility of Russian assets being taken as part of an international effort to recover illegally acquired wealth. While he acknowledged the need for justice when it comes to misappropriated funds, he argued that the potential repercussions for the international financial system cannot be underestimated.

Capitalism vs. Communism

Under capitalism, the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few creates potential vulnerabilities. When assets of the wealthy are at risk, such as in the case of potential asset seizures, the financial system becomes exposed. Professor Ivanovitch argued that this vulnerability is an inherent flaw of capitalism.

The Root of the Problem

Communist theory, which Professor Ivanovitch is fond of referencing, presents an alternative solution. The redistribution of wealth, he argues, would alleviate the concentration of power and prevent such vulnerabilities in the financial system.

The Domino Effect

As a result, other countries holding significant dollar reserves may start to diversify their holdings, seeking alternative assets or currencies. This could undermine the dollar's status as the global reserve currency, leading to a depreciation that would ripple throughout the global financial system.

Finding a Solution

In such a system, the concentration of wealth would be curbed through measures such as progressive taxation, while still allowing for innovation and economic growth. By ensuring a more equitable distribution of resources, the potential vulnerabilities of capitalism could be mitigated, reducing the risk of catastrophic events like the seizure of Russian assets.


By delving into communist theory and highlighting the inherent flaws of capitalism, Ivanovitch aims to spark a dialogue about alternative approaches to wealth distribution and global finance. While his proposed solutions may be met with skepticism, the urgency of the situation cannot be ignored.

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