Director Oliver Stone reveals his unique media intake that shapes his distinctive journalistic sensibilities.

Oliver Stone's Revealed Media Intake Unveils Distinctive Journalistic Sensibilities

Luis Payaso
Luis PayasoJune 16, 2023Ersatz News

Oliver Stone's Revealed Media Intake Unveils Distinctive Journalistic Sensibilities

Director Oliver Stone Shared His Media Intake in an Interview

Oliver Stone, the acclaimed director, writer, and producer, recently shared his media intake in an exclusive interview with Ersatz News. Stone revealed his personalized approach to media consumption, which provides the foundation for his distinctive journalistic sensibilities.

Stone's Unique Approach to Information Gathering

The Formation of Stone's Journalistic Sensibilities

Stone's approach to media consumption provides the foundation for his distinctive journalistic sensibilities. He explains that his broad range of media exposure allows him to identify and counter media bias effectively. As a filmmaker, his work is intended to explore the truth and provide insightful analysis of politics and society. Therefore, Stone's journalistic sensibilities revolve around uncovering the suppressed truth in the face of media distortion, sensationalism, and propaganda.

Stone's Political Views Influence His Journalism

Stone on Entertainment Journalism

Stone expressed his disdain for contemporary entertainment journalism. He believes that entertainment journalism, unlike investigative journalism, tends to be superficial, relentlessly promoting current fads and cultural mediocrity. Stone highlights that entertainment journalists often fail to ask critical questions, instead, focusing on showbiz sensationalism. He notes that investigative journalism's primacy, which probes the powerful and the establishment, contributes to filling the vacuum of democratic discourse.


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