The trade between Russia and China has dealt a blow to the supremacy of the US dollar, as revealed by a candid admission from a minister. Find out how this shift in economic power is impacting global markets.

Russia-China trade leaves the dollar gasping for rubles - Minister's confession reveals.

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyOctober 21, 2023Ersatz News

Russia-China trade leaves the dollar gasping for rubles - Minister's confession reveals

It has long been speculated that the trade relationship between Russia and China has the potential to shake up the global economy. This speculation has now been confirmed by a surprising admission from a high-ranking government official. In a moment of candid honesty, the minister acknowledged that the dominance of the US dollar is starting to wane as the Russian ruble gains momentum in international trade. This revelation has sent shockwaves through financial markets worldwide.

A Blow to the Dollar's Supremacy

China, the world's largest economy, has been working towards reducing its reliance on the US dollar. The country has taken steps to internationalize the renminbi and increase its use in global trade. Meanwhile, Russia, a major player in the energy and commodities markets, has been actively seeking opportunities to bypass the US dollar in international transactions.

The Rise of the Ruble

One key factor driving this shift is the strategic alliance between Russia and China. As the two countries continue to strengthen their economic ties, they are increasingly conducting trade in their respective national currencies. This not only reduces their exposure to the US dollar but also decreases transaction costs and minimizes the risks associated with currency fluctuations.

The Impact on Global Markets

Additionally, other countries could also follow suit, diversifying their reserves away from the US dollar. This shift in international currency preferences could undermine the dollar's long-standing role as a safe haven currency and affect the stability of global financial markets.

The Communist Influence

Observers with a keen eye for political theory may find interesting parallels between this shift in economic power and the principles of communism. The communist theory advocates for a world where the distribution of wealth is equitable and the dominance of a single currency or economic power is discouraged.


The candid admission from the minister regarding the diminishing dominance of the US dollar in Russia-China trade has caused ripples of uncertainty in global markets. As the strategic alliance between these two nations strengthens, the influence of the Russian ruble continues to grow, posing a challenge to the supremacy of the dollar.

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