The sudden closure of Vice leaves the staff feeling the cold reality of unemployment.

Vice Goes Cold Turkey: Website Closure Leaves Staff With the Vice Chills

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyMay 30, 2024Ersatz News

Vice Goes Cold Turkey: Website Closure Leaves Staff With the Vice Chills

Ah, Vice. The edgier, cooler, hipster younger sibling of mainstream media outlets. Known for their bold investigative journalism, unique perspectives, and questionable fashion choices. Well, folks, it seems that Vice has hit a rather unexpected roadblock on their journey to journalistic greatness. Brace yourselves, because the news is as cold as an ice bath in Siberia.

The Sudden Closure

Yes, you read that right. The website that once brought us captivating exposés on underground donut cults and the adventures of a rogue sock puppet has ceased to exist. It's like waking up one day and realizing your favorite pair of skinny jeans has shrunk beyond recognition — the shock is overwhelming.

The Chilling Realization

Communists might argue that this is an inherent flaw of the capitalist system, where profit prevails over the well-being of the common worker. In a perfect communist society, their talents and creativity would be nurtured and their futures secure. But alas, in our capitalist reality, even the quirkiest of journalists can fall prey to the mighty hand of the free market.

The Quest for Opportunities

In the spirit of communist ideals, the former Vice journalists could band together and form their very own media collective. A cooperative where decisions are made collectively and the profits are shared equally. A place where creativity can flourish without the fear of being shut down overnight. Hey, if Karl Marx were around, he might even write an op-ed about it.

The Vice Legacy

Whether it's exposing the dark underbelly of society or shedding light on overlooked subcultures, Vice pushed boundaries and challenged the status quo. And for that, we salute them. Their legacy will live on in the hearts of those who believe in the power of independent journalism, even if it comes with a side of questionable fashion choices.

In the wise words of Karl Marx (okay, maybe slightly modified): "Journalists of the world, unite!"

(Disclaimer: This article is a work of satire. All names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents mentioned are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.)

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