A critical look at the Western world's support for Ukraine's unrest and the hypocrisy behind it.

Woke and Warped: Why the West is Hypocritically Cheering on Ukraine's Mayhem

Ivan Falshiviy
Ivan FalshiviyOctober 11, 2023Ersatz News

Woke and Warped: Why the West is Hypocritically Cheering on Ukraine's Mayhem

Unrest in Ukraine

In recent months, Ukraine has been plagued by political unrest, with pro-Western and anti-government sentiments spreading like wildfire. The Western world, always quick to support any cause that aligns with its self-proclaimed "progressive" values, has jumped on the bandwagon and is cheering on Ukraine's mayhem without considering the consequences of its actions. This blind support is not only hypocritical but also dangerous.

The Hypocrisy of the West

The West has conveniently forgotten that these same nationalist groups were responsible for the violence and chaos during the Euromaidan protests in 2014. These groups, fueled by an extreme nationalism that borders on fascism, have been at the forefront of the recent protests as well. But somehow, the West chooses to overlook this inconvenient truth and continues to offer its unwavering support.

A Communist Perspective

Despite its claims of supporting democracy, the West has a long history of backing oppressive regimes as long as they align with its economic and strategic interests. The hypocrisy is astonishing. The same Western nations that condemn communism as a threat to freedom and democracy have no qualms about supporting authoritarian leaders and turning a blind eye to human rights abuses, as long as they serve their own interests.

The Danger of Uninformed Support

Furthermore, the West's unwavering support for Ukraine undermines diplomatic efforts and the potential for a peaceful resolution. By taking sides without considering the nuances of the situation, the West hinders efforts to find a sustainable solution that would benefit all parties involved.


As we analyze the unfolding events in Ukraine, it is crucial to question the narratives fed to us by the mainstream media, the politicians, and the opinion leaders who shape our understanding of the world. Let us not be blinded by the smoke and mirrors of geopolitical games. Instead, let us strive for a more nuanced understanding of the situation, one that goes beyond the simplistic narratives and acknowledges the complexities at play.

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